School of Tourism and Hotel Management

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Güncel Gönderiler

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  • Öğe
    Etiket algısının tüketicilerin satın alma üzerindeki etkileri
    (2020) Shipman, Dilistan; Saygı, Yaşar Birol
    -Öz:-Tüketiciler için bir ürünün kimliği, pazardaki başarısı için çok daha önem kazanacaktır. Bu nedenle, etiket ve ambalaj, tüketicinin seçtiği ürünleri değerlendirmesine ve kalitesi hakkında güvence vermesine yardımcı olduğundan, ürünler arasında ayrım
  • Öğe
    Managing Restaurant Attributes for Destination Satisfaction: What Goes beyond Food?
    (MDPI, 2019-02-27) Erkmen, Ezgi
    Local cuisine has increasingly become one of the crucial factors contributing to how tourists experience a destination. As such, understanding which attributes affect travelers' experience of the local food is especially important to enhance tourist satisfaction. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to determine the relative importance of different local cuisine experience attributes, as well as the perception of their performances. In doing so, Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) was conducted to assess tourists' perception. Data were collected from foreign travelers visiting Istanbul, Turkey, which is famous and well-known for its local cuisine. Furthermore, how different attributes affect destination satisfaction was analyzed via regression models. Interestingly, food-related cultural aspects and social aspects outweigh the food quality for their relative importance to travelers. Additionally, other than the physical environment, all attributes were found to contribute to tourists' satisfaction of the destination. Practical implications are provided in terms of how to promote and develop a competitive advantage by using local cuisine attributes for destination marketing.
  • Öğe
    Managing Your Brand for Employees: Understanding the Role of Organizational Processes in Cultivating Employee Brand Equity
    (MDPI, 2018-09) Erkmen, Ezgi
    The purpose of this study was to understand how employee brand equity is cultivated in services. Specifically, a conceptual model, adopted from brand equity literature, was developed and tested to analyze the internal brand building process. To achieve this, a quantitative research methodology, using structural equation modeling, was used to understand the role of brand building mechanisms, namely the internal communication, external communication, and employee experience with the brand, in building employee brand equity. As a part of the service industry, data were collected from hotel employees who have direct contact with customers. The findings evidenced the distinguished role of each mechanism to build employee brand equity. That is, while internal communication enhances brand knowledge and role clarity, external communication and employee experience with the brand positively affect the brand commitment of employees. Therefore, as being the first study adopting customer service brand equity to employee context, this research confirmed the effect of brand building mechanisms on employee brand equity. In addition, the study proposes practical implications for organizations to design a balanced branding approach both internally and externally through the means of communication.
  • Öğe
    Proceedings of the 4th international conference on climate tourism and recreation cctr2015
    (İstanbul Policy Center, 2015) Demiroğlu, Osman Cenk
    [Abstract Not Available]