İstanbul Bilgi University Institutional Repository için istatistikler

Toplam ziyaret

Influencer Marketing as a digital marketing strategy: the effect of macro and micro influencers on purchase intention 117
Childless by choice: a qualitative study on couples' experiences of marriage and voluntary childlessness 82
The effect of Spotify playlists on the music consumption habits of music consumers 60
The relationship of narcissism with emotional childhood trauma and separation-individuation and the mediating role of mentalization 55
Six degrees of video game narrative: a classification for narrative in video games 32
Cinsel İstismara Bağlı Travma: Psikolojik Tedavi Süreci ve İlkeleri 30
The effect of menu design on customers’ choices 29
The relationship between separtion-individuation, individualism-collectivisim, marriage expectations, and marital attitudes 25
İklim değişikliği endişesinin anksiyete depresyon belirtileri ve çevresel tutumla ilişkisi ve bu endişeyi yordayan faktörler 24
Finsler warped product metrics with relatively isotropic mean Landsberg curvature 21