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  • Öğe
    Russian and Turkish Foreign Policy Activism in the Syrian Theater
    (Uluslararasi Iliskiler Konseyi Dernegi, 2019) Ruma, Inan; Celikpala, Mitat
    Russia and Turkey have been involved in remarkable redefinitions of their foreign policies while navigating through turbulent times in the Post-Cold War era. This has manifested in a search of being recognized as a great power. The tragic civil war in Syria has been the theatre of these ambitions of these two states in highly controversial ways. They have been on the opposite sides until recently on the essential question of the regime change in that country. The risk of a direct fight has even been observed when Turkish air force got a Russian jet down. However, a rapid rapprochement started due to Turkish priority shift from the regime change to the prevention of Kurdish autonomy and the alienation from US; and Russian enthusiasm to get the cooperation of an ardent anti-regime NATO member like Turkey. It can be said that Russia and Turkey have been more process-oriented than result-oriented because they have been compelled to see the limits of their power and influence. As a result, they seem to prefer to focus on the process since they seem to reach their primary objective of showing their salience. All in all, one can only hope for a peaceful and democratic life for Syrians whom tremendously suffered also as a result of an imbroglio of all these global and regional powers' policies.
  • Öğe
    Constructing The European Education Space
    (Uluslararasi Iliskiler Konseyi Dernegi, 2012) Besgul, Ozge Onursal
    This study analyses the European education policy and traces its evolution, specifically focusing on the Bologna Process that was launched in 1999. The study aims mainly at answering the following two questions: How is the European education space constructed and on which narrative is it built upon? In answering these questions, the article also discusses how the concept of European citizenship is defined in educational documents. The paper argues that the narrative of education policy initially had a regional focus, which later gained an international dimension.
  • Öğe
    Traumatic loss and posttraumatic growth: the effect of traumatic loss related factors on posttraumatic growth
    (Cumhuriyet Univ Tip Fak Psikiyatri Anabilim Dali, 2016) Yilmaz, Merve; Zara, Ayten
    Objective: The present study aimed to investigate the experience of posttraumatic growth (PTG) in bereaved individuals. The contributory role of traumatic loss related factors in the development of PTG were explored. Methods: One-hundred and thirty two bereaved individuals who lost a first degree relative or a romantic partner between 5 to 17 months ago took part in the study. Results: A curvilinear relationship between grief intensity and growth was found. Perceiving the loss as traumatic event was found to be significantly related with higher levels of PTG. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses indicated that traumatic perception of loss and coping styles (problem-focused, social support, religious coping) explained 32% of the variance in PTG. Conclusion: The findings of this study support that traumatic losses can be transformative experiences that initiate positive changes in bereaved individuals. However, post-bereavement stress as well as grief intensity should be assessed properly since low and high levels of distress would impede the development of PTG. Clinical interventions should consider promoting grief-focused effective ways of coping with traumatic loss in order to enhance growth in bereavement.
  • Öğe
    A novel extended reaction force/torque observer with impedance control
    (Tubitak Scientific & Technological Research Council Turkey, 2024) Ozcelik, Ilkay Turac; Baran, Abdurrahman Eray
    This paper proposes a new extended version of the reaction force observer (RFOB) for high -precision motion control systems. The RFOB has been proven to be useful for many applications in the literature. However, because of the low-pass filter present inside of the RFOB, it has certain limitations. In this study, a new algorithm is proposed to compensate for filtering -based errors in the classical RFOB structure. The algorithm includes the differentiation of the observed force and scaling with a proper value. However, since the force has a noisy nature, differentiation also affects the signal's stability and performance. To resolve this issue, a new controller algorithm coupled with the proposed RFOB is formulated and implemented. The mathematical derivation of the proposed structure along with experimental validations for different force references are shown to provide a complete analysis. The results obtained from the experiments prove that the proposed observer -controller structure outperforms the existing force control architectures.
  • Öğe
    Cryptographically strong random number generation using integrated CMOS photodiodes for low-cost microcontroller based applications
    (Tubitak Scientific & Technological Research Council Turkey, 2022) Sarioglu, Baykal
    In this work, we propose a method to generate random numbers for low-cost, low-power, resource-limited low data-rate microcontrollers using integrated CMOS photodiodes. The proposed method utilizes an integrated CMOS photodiode in the photovoltaic mode as the entropy source. The method is based on serially capturing analog values derived from the integrated CMOS photodiode. The entropy of these values increased by a custom algorithm. The proposed random number generator is devised using an integrated CMOS photodiode manufactured in 180 nm standard CMOS technology. The wide applicably of the random number generator is demonstrated by realizing it on a low-cost Arduino UNO board placed in a typical room environment. The implemented random number generator passes NIST-SP800-22 and AIS31 randomness tests at high scores. The proposed method achieved 5.4 Kbps throughput and 7.2% total significance level without any postprocessing. The test results show the high cryptographical strength of the proposed method makes it a promising alternative to the currently used random number generation algorithms in low-cost, low-resources, low-data rate microcontroller-based applications.
  • Öğe
    A multiple sensor fusion based drift compensation algorithm for mecanum wheeled mobile robots
    (Tubitak Scientific & Technological Research Council Turkey, 2021) Alhalabi, Abdulrahman; Ezim, Mert; Canbek, Kansu Oguz; Baran, Eray A.
    This paper investigates a multiple sensor fusion based drift compensation technique for a mecanum wheeled mobile robot platform. The mobile robot is equipped with high-precision encoders integrated to the wheels and four accelerometers placed on its chassis. The proposed algorithm combines the information from the encoders and the acceleration sensors to estimate the total drift in the acceleration dimension. The inner loop controller is designed utilizing a disturbance-observer-based acceleration control structure which is blind against the slipping motion of the wheels. The estimated drift acceleration from the sensor fusion is then mapped back to the joint space of the robot and used as additional compensation over the existing controllers. The proposed algorithm is tested on a series of experiments. The results of the experiments are also compared with those of a recent study in order to provide a benchmark evaluation. The enhanced tracking performance yielding towards smaller error magnitudes in the experiments illustrate the efficacy and success of the proposed control architecture in attenuating the positioning drift of mecanum wheeled robots.
  • Öğe
    Delay-dependent stability criteria for interval time-varying delay systems with nonuniform delay partitioning approach
    (Tubitak Scientific & Technological Research Council Turkey, 2011) Parlakci, Mehmet Nur Alpaslan
    This paper investigates the conservatism reduction of Lyapunov-Krasovskii based conditions for the stability of a class of interval time-varying delay systems. The main idea is based on the nonuniform decomposition of the integral terms of the Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional. The delay interval is decomposed into a finite number of nonuniform segments with some scaling parameters Both differentiable delay case and non-differentiable delay case and unknown delay derivative bound case are taken into consideration. Sufficient delay-dependent stability criteria are derived in terms of matrix inequalities. Two suboptimal delau fractionation schemes, namely, linearization with cone complementary technique and linearization under additional constraints are introduced in Order to find a feasible solution set using LMI solvers with a convex optimization algorithm so that a suboptimal maximum allowable delay upper bound is achieved. It is theoretically demonstrated that the proposed technique has reduced complexity in comparison to some existing delay fractionation methods from the literature. A numerical example with case studies is given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method with respect to some existing ones from the literature.
  • Öğe
    A fourth order one step method for numerical solution of good Boussinesq equation
    (Tubitak Scientific & Technological Research Council Turkey, 2021) Kirli, Emre; Irk, Dursun
    In this paper, we investigate the numerical solution of good Boussinesq equation by using the quartic B-spline Galerkin method for space discretization and the fourth order one-step method for time discretization. The proposed numerical scheme is analyzed for truncation error. Four test problems are studied. The accuracy and efficiency are measured by computing error norm L-infinity and the order of convergence for the proposed method. The results of numerical experiments confirm that the proposed method has a higher accuracy.
  • Öğe
    Feasibility of Offshore Wind Energy in Turkey; A Case Study for Gulf of Edremit at the Aegean Sea
    (Gazi Univ, 2021) Ozbek, Muammer; Tunc, Kerim Mehmet Murat
    This work aims to investigate the feasibility of offshore wind energy in Turkey by performing extensive simulations and analyses for a 50-90 MW capacity offshore wind park to be constructed at the Gulf of Edremit, a very high potential site located at the Aegean Sea, 3 km from the west coastline of Turkey. The location and layout of the farm is optimized by considering the sea depth data obtained from bathymetric maps and wind speed measurements acquired from the MERRA data and local met mast. Dynamic interactions among the turbines and the resulting wake losses are modeled by using two different site assessment programs. Capacity factors and the annual energy production yields are calculated for 8 different types of turbines with rated powers changing between 2 and 3.6 MW.
  • Öğe
    From Dedication to Burnout to Turnover: The Cry for Help from Doctors Who've Resigned or Retired during the COVID-19 Pandemic
    (Istanbul Univ, Fac Letters, Dept Sociology, 2021) Ergur, Goksel Altinisik; Nuhoglu, Sadiye; Cobanoglu, Cansu; Cetin, Nazli; Bostan, Pinar; Ergur, Ali
    In the COVID-19 pandemic, flexible work schedules were terminated in June 2020, normalization practices were initiated, and resignation/ retirement bans on healthcare workers were lifted. This study aims to evaluate the decisions of doctors who've resigned or retired during the COVID-19 pandemic from a sociological perspective. This qualitative research was conducted online using the semi-structured face-to-face interview technique with physician interviewees. Of the interviewees (M-age = 50.9 years), 9 had resigned and 10 had decided to retire. When coding the interview statements, the factors affecting the decision to leave employment were investigated such as organizational problems, managerial approaches, the conditions for cognizance in performing and understanding the profession, personality traits, and approaches in their immediate environment. During the pandemic, healthcare workers' acts of resigning or retiring have been explained through the fear of being infected/infecting someone else, problems in the health system, intense work conditions, and feeling burned out due to not knowing how long the process will take. In the context of the crisis as an anomie in which the individual loses faith in society and social solidarity dissolves, the main factors setting the basis for leaving work have been identified as unfair distribution of tasks, organizational disorders, ambiguity regarding the concept of responsibility due to uncertainty, collegiate behaviors that shirk duty, lack of appreciation, and personality traits. The imbalance in exchange with society has led individuals to choose to give themselves the rewards that they are unable to get from others. This research performs a kind of autopsy to understand the factors behind cases of resignation and retirement during the COVID-19 pandemic and what needs to be done to prevent this from turning into a contagion turnover.
  • Öğe
    Advanced Healthcare Directives From a Comparative Perspective and Proposals for Turkish Law
    (Istanbul Univ, Fac Law, 2021) Guner, Gokce Kurtulan
    As a result of the aging population and the improvement in average life expectancy, the visibility of psychiatric diseases causing loss of mental competence has considerably increased. The aging population presently enjoys expanded options in social life and improved support within the legal system. These positive changes resulted from the combined effort of the academic and legislative bodies toward finding ways to support patient autonomy and self-involvement in decision-making in case of loss of mental competence. This article focuses on the regulations, known as the advance healthcare directives, prepared for application when a drafter loses mental capacity. The genesis of this concept and efforts toward its adoption are discussed and analyzed from a comparative lens. This study examines advance healthcare directives in a wider sense, including instruction directives and durable powers of attorney. As Turkish law lacks a legal rule providing for bindingness for these kinds of dispositions, certain de lege ferenda proposals in line with the comparative findings have been proposed at the end of this paper.
  • Öğe
    An Essential Concept for the Turkish Higher Education Area: Competition
    (Deomed Publ, Istanbul, 2021) Aydin, Oya Tamtekin
    In 2000, Turkey had 1.5 million university students at 71 universities, whereas today, it has a much broader field of higher education with a university student population of over seven million at more than 200 universities. Although this quantitative expansion has brought some advantages, it has also created several problems, the most significant of which have emerged in terms of quality. Whether quality increases in parallel with this expansion is an essential issue to consider. This paper emphasizes that HE institutions need to focus on competition to support the quantitative expansion in the field of Turkish HE with qualitative improvement. For this purpose, first, the state of the Turkish HE was overviewed from past to present. Next, the importance of competition for Turkish HE was highlighted and the two fundamental theories of competition were discussed by reviewing the related literature. Finally, a theoretical model based on the factors obtained through an assessment of how these theories can be applied to HE was presented.
  • Öğe
    (Istanbul Univ, Fac Medicine, Publ Off, 2021) Yabaci, Merve; Idiz, Cemile; Calikoglu, Fulya; Yuksel, Atil; Omer, Beyhan; Demirel, Birsen; Ozer, Emel
    Objective: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a form of diabetes that appears during pregnancy and can cause both maternal and fetal consequences if left untreated. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the nutritional characteristics of pregnancy and the development of GDM and gestational glucose intolerance (GGIT). Material and Method: Three groups of pregnant women were included in the study. They were grouped according to the results of the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT-50 g and 100 g) as follows: normal glucose tolerance (NGT, n=60), GGIT (n=60), and GDM (n=60). The demographic characteristics, health conditions, and nutritional habits of the participants were questioned, and a 3-day food consumption record was requested from the patients. Results: Average age, body weight, daily carbohydrate and protein intakes, and the frequency of diabetes history in the family were found to be higher in the GDM and GGIT groups than in the NGT group. It was also found that the amount of fat intake was higher in the GDM group than in the NGT and GGIT groups (p<0.05). According to logistic regression models, age, daily protein, carbohydrate, and fat consumption, not being pregnant before, and having a body mass index (BMI)>25 kg/m(2) before pregnancy were the factors associated with the risk of GDM. Similarly, age, daily protein consumption, having a macrosomic baby, and current smoking were positively associated with the risk of GGIT. Conclusion: The phenotypic characteristics, family history of diabetes, and previous obstetric problems in pregnant women were found to be closely related to GDM or GGIT risk. Special attention should be paid to general health and balanced nutrition, especially in high-risk pregnant women.
  • Öğe
    Credibility of Fact Witnesses in Arbitration in Light of Current Debates
    (Istanbul Univ, 2022) Korkmaz, Abdullah Harun
    Fact witnesses have been used in both private and criminal legal proceedings for centuries. Fact witnesses are frequently used in international arbitration, contrary to the rule of proving by deed (or in a general sense, written evidence) that is prevalent in Turkish civil procedural law. Witnesses gain importance when no documents are available to prove the disputed point, when a document is present but it is not self-explanatory, or when the background of the dispute needs to be understood. Despite the widespread use of fact witnesses, several drawbacks accompany them. These undesirable points have been examined for decades due to the importance fact witnesses have in criminal proceedings, however, the idea that the same drawbacks are also considerable for international arbitration have become somewhat common in recent years. This view has been particularly emphasized at certain events the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) organized, and many in the international arbitration community have taken a doubtful approach toward fact witnesses. Some authors have evaluated the possible drawbacks of witnesses' memory as well as the possibility of testing their truthfulness in an attempt to come up with suggestions for overcoming them. This study first questions the credibility of fact witnesses in light of these evaluations and discussions then provides a number of methods that can be used to compensate for these drawbacks after highlighting some of the main problematic aspects of fact witnesses. The study makes use of several pieces of research, including the recently published ICC report (2020) regarding the memory of fact witnesses as well as some older articles, and seeks to present a holistic perspective on this matter.
  • Öğe
    Femvertising As a Postfeminist Marketing Strategy: The Sample of Nike, Molped and Elidor Ads
    (Marmara Univ, Fac Communication, 2021) Dinc Kirli, Elzem Seren; Tan Cakir, Nilay
    Nowadays, brands create advertisements that emphasize gender equality by focusing on women and aiming to end gender inequality. Brands inspired by the postfeminist discourses use the public's changing perception changes on gender equality as marketing opportunities through their women-oriented advertising activities. Accordingly, this study discusses whether femvertising, as a critical approach against gender norms, overlaps with the purposes of feminist theory, and examines how this movement can impact the reproduction of gender inequality. In this respect, three advertising campaigns in Turkey, namely Nike's This Is Us (2017), Molped's You Have a Girl's Word (2020), and Elidor's We're Not In (2019) were analyzed within the conceptual framework of postfeminist discourses, taking account of the cultural conjuncture of Turkey. To investigate these campaigns, this article applies qualitative research through semiotic analysis. Our findings revealed that the advertisements, whose primary role is the marketing of goods, were mostly focused on selling products, rather than supporting the feminist movement. Besides, while attempting to change the stereotypes attributed to women within gender roles, women who fall outside of these stereotypes are marginalized. The analysis illustrates that the femvertising trend will not contribute to the women's struggle for gender equality unless it is committed to feminist principles and stops restricting the meaning of feminism to a single advertising slogan.
  • Öğe
    Eye Gaze and Dominance, Cues for Online Communication with Strangers
    (Marmara Univ, Fac Communication, 2022) Erden, Aydin; Cinko, Murat; Aslanbay, Yonca; Durmus, Beril
    Many digital communication platforms of the new economy are built up on mechanisms to initially communicate and/or develop an acquaintance with strangers over displayed profile pictures. This study aims to reveal the impact of the direction of eye gaze and perceived dominance from those pictures during the process of pairing online with a stranger, for spending time in a closed environment. Preference between pairs of 66 participants through their profile pictures having a direct or averted gaze and some manipulated by facial width height ratio (fWHR) aiming to increase perceived dominance, were measured by the eye -tracking device. The findings show that when observing the profile pictures of strangers (i) gaze attracts attention to the face of gazing person, (ii) in case of perceived dominance, the gaze of a stranger induces gaze avoidance for participants. The study further predicted when the user is to prefer between pairs of people that one is perceived to be dominant, the probability of choosing the perceived non-dominant is higher. The participants' preference of the former holdout sample was predicted consecutively by hit ratios of 81.5, 91.4 and 94.9 for three different cases. Analysis of the data revealed no systematic differences between males and females.
  • Öğe
    Using the Case Story Method in a Teacher Education Practicum: Affordances and Constraints
    (Edam, 2016) Tuluce, Hande Serdar
    This case study explored the implementation of the case story method in practicum from the perspective of pre-service English language teachers. Twenty-one senior pre-service teachers were engaged in writing case stories based on their practicum observations and reflecting on those case stories collaboratively. The data obtained from the post-course reflection papers and a focus group interview were analyzed through a thematic analysis. The findings showed that pre-service teachers reported several personal and social affordances of using the case story method in practicum. Compared to the perceived affordances, pre-service teachers emphasized a smaller body of perceived constraints for the implementation of the method with respect to resources and management. In this study, the findings are discussed thoroughly regarding their potential implications for pre-service teacher education.
  • Öğe
    Scrutinizing Practicum for a More Powerful Teacher Education: A Longitudinal Study with Pre-service Teachers
    (Edam, 2016) Tuluce, Hande Serdar; Cecen, Sevdeger
    This study aims to explore the role of school-based practicum in promoting pre-service English language teachers' professional development through the use of a longitudinal design in combination with qualitative methods. To achieve this aim, pre-service teachers were asked to successively reflect on video-recordings of their micro-lessons in their university-based methodology courses directly after delivering the micro-lessons and retrospectively after their practicum experience. The participants of this study were 13 pre-service English language teachers studying at a foundation university in Istanbul, Turkey. The same data collection methodology was adapted before and after the practicum to gain a deeper understanding of the learning stemming from school-based practicum. The data for the study came from pre- and post-self-evaluation reports as well as pre-and post-focus-group interviews that had been collected based on the pre-service teachers' video-recorded microteaching simulations. The findings indicate that pre-service teachers commented on the same pedagogical, psychological, and physical factors they had noticed regarding their micro-lesson before and after the practicum. However, some qualitative changes were detected in their views over time as they had become more learner-oriented and had developed a more reflective view of teaching following the practicum. These findings have implications for the impact of practicum for future teacher education programs.
  • Öğe
    The Impact of Different Demographic Variables on Determinants of University Choice Decision: A Study on Business Administration Students of the Foundation Universities in Istanbul
    (Edam, 2016) Aydin, Oya Tamtekin; Bayir, Firat
    By examining the relevant literature, many factors can be determined as effecting factors on university choice process. However, existing literature does not fully explore the effect of demographic variables on these factors. This research is aimed at identifying the relationship between university selection criteria and demographic variables, defined in the study as gender, family income level, types of high school graduated from, and whether working or not during the education period in the business administration departments of the foundation universities in Istanbul. The study was designed by descriptive research method using a survey. The face-to-face questionnaires were conducted to the students during the 2014-2015 academic year of selected foundation universities. Convenience sampling method was used to determine the participants of the study. A total of 600 questionnaire forms were delivered to the students in these universities, the 510 questionnaire forms were counted as valid. At the end of the study, based on the relevant literature, 13 determinants that play an influential role on students' decisions were obtained. Next, the ranking of the university choice criteria on Turkish students' decisions was proposed. Lastly, the relationships between demographic variables outlined above and determinants of the university choice process are then presented.
  • Öğe
    Comparative analysis on practical implications and evaluation of PVC geomembrane interfaces against particulate materials
    (Yildiz Technical University, 2018) Karademir, T.
    An experimental research study including a series of laboratory large displacement interface shear tests between different particulate materials (rounded, angular sands) and smooth PVC geomembranes, and additionally, a series of Shore D Hardness measurements were conducted. The aim of this study is to investigate an easy and quick means of predicting shear resistance/strength of sand-polymer interfaces indirectly from the hardness of the continuum material (i.e. PVC geomembrane) at the interface to establish a comparative analysis between direct test results and indirect practical evaluation through hardness property based on an important interface shear property; friction angle, (?) at peak and residual states measured directly from interface shear tests performed in the laboratory as well as computed indirectly from empirical models developed in the study for the case of different normal loading conditions (i.e. normal stress levels:25, 100, 400 kPa). The results and analysis will be presented throughout the paper demonstrate that the mobilized shear response and the resulting frictional resistance of sand (rounded, angular) - PVC geomembrane interface systems are highly dependent on a combination of loading conditions, geomembrane physical material properties (i.e. hardness) and particulate shape (i.e. angularity/roundness). For direct and indirect assessment of the resultant [?Peak] and [?Residual] values, the comparative analysis showed that a reasonable similarity between the laboratory test results and the indirect analytical assessment analysis is evident from the analogicalness of the experimentally measured values at the predetermined normal stress levels (25, 100 and 400 kPa) to the computed values from the proposed empirical correlation equations proposed in the paper. © Yildiz Technical University, Environmental Engineering Department. All rights reserved.